Trillion Dollar Highway Plans = Multiple Bypass Surgery a state by state list |
High Priority Corridors specified by Congress in 1991, 1995, 1998, 2005, 2012 |
NAFTA Superhighways | |
Corridors of the Future | |
J. Edgar Hoover Parkway: transportation surveillance, mileage taxes, RFID & video tolling |
Paving Appalachia:
Corridor A to X in AL, GA, MD, MS, NC, NY, OH, PA, SC, TN, VA, WV |
Alabama | Nebraska |
Alaska | Nevada |
Arizona | New Hampshire |
Arkansas | New Jersey |
California | New Mexico |
Colorado | New York |
Connecticut | North Carolina |
Delaware | North Dakota |
Florida | Ohio |
Georgia | Oklahoma |
Hawai'i | Oregon |
Idaho | Pennsylvania |
Illinois | Rhode Island |
Indiana | South Carolina |
Iowa | South Dakota |
Kansas | Tennessee |
Kentucky | Texas |
Louisiana | Utah |
Maine | Vermont |
Maryland | Virginia |
Massachusetts | Washington |
Michigan | Washington, D.C. |
Minnesota | West Virginia |
Mississippi | Wisconsin |
Missouri | Wyoming |
Montana |

California High Priority Corridors
High Priority Corridor 16: Economic Lifeline Corridor
I-15 and I-40 upgrades, California, Arizona, Nevada
San Diego, Las Vegas, Barstow, Flagstaff
There are several improvements that are included as part of the Interstate 15/40 High Priority Corridor, including (from south to north):
California 15/40th Street Upgrade to Interstate Standards - San Diego
- Interstate 15 High Occupancy Vehicles/Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) - San Diego
- Interstate 15 Capacity Improvements from California 163 to California 78 - San Diego to Escondido
- California 125 and 67/San Diego Outer Bypass
- Interstate 215/California 60-91 Interchange Improvements - Riverside
- Interstate 15 Widening - San Bernardino to Las Vegas
- Interstate 15/515 and U.S. 93-95 Spaghetti Junction
- Las Vegas Beltway/Interstate 215
- Interstate 17/40 Interchange Reconstruction - Flagstaff
- California 58 Improvements -
Interstate 5 to Barstow via Bakersfield
High Priority Corridor 19: United States Route 395
US 395 from Reno to Canada
High Priority Corridor 22: Alameda Transportation Corridor
freight train upgrades in Los Angeles area
The Alameda Transportation Corridor along Alameda Street from the entrance to the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach to Interstate 10, Los Angeles, California.
Routes: California 47, California 103, Alameda Avenue.
High Priority Corridor 30: Interstate 5
Interstate Route 5 in the States of California, Oregon, and Washington, including California State Route 905 between Interstate Route 5 and the Otay Mesa Port of Entry.
from: Smart Choices, Less Traffic: The 50 Best and Worst Transportation Projects In the United States
Sierra Club Beyond Oil Campaign, November 2012 widening in San Diego
This project will widen I-5 to 12 lanes in North San Diego County at a cost of up to $4.5 billion. The project could add up to 6 lanes in some parts of the highway, encouraging more vehicles on the road and acting as only a temporary solution to congestion. New lanes will attract more traffic, a phenomenon known as induced demand, and congestion will reach their current levels within a few years Furthermore, residents and businesses along the route will lose their property to the expansion. Runoff will pollute the nearby lagoons, and air pollution will increase. Construction on this project is expected to begin in 2013.
High Priority Corridor 34: The Alameda Corridor East and Southwest Passage
The Alameda Corridor-East and South- west Passage, California. The Alameda Corridor- East is generally described as the corridor from East Los Angeles (terminus of Alameda Corridor) through Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, and Riverside Counties, to termini at Barstow in San Bernardino County and Coachella in Riverside County. The Southwest Passage shall follow I-10 from San Bernardino to the Arizona State line.
High Priority Corridor 46: Interstate Route 710
Interstate Route 710 between the terminus at Long Beach, California, to California State Route 60.
Interesting that this does NOT specify the long fought (and unbuilt) I-710 segment through South Pasadena.
High Priority Corridor 54: Farm-to-Market Corridor
The California Farm-to-Market Corridor, California State Route 99 from south of Bakersfield to Sacramento, California.
This may be designated I-7 or I-9 if completed. Route 99 is almost built to interstate design except for a few at-grade intersections in the middle of the route.
High Priority Corridor 69: Cross Valley Connector
The Cross Valley Connector connecting Interstate Route 5 and State Route 14, Santa Clarita Valley, California.
High Priority Corridor 70: Economic Lifeline Corridor
The Economic Lifeline corridor, along Interstate Route 15 and Interstate Route 40, California, Arizona, and Nevada, includes Interstate Route 215 South from near San Bernadino, California, to Riverside, California, and State Route 91 from Riverside, California, to the intersection with Interstate Route 15 near Corona, California.
Added I-215 and California 91 to Corridor 16.
High Priority Corridor 71: High Desert/E-220 Corridor
The High Desert Corridor/E-220 from Los Angeles, California, to Las Vegas, Nevada, via Palmdale and Victorville, California.
New highway from California 14 to I-15 via California 18.
Central Valley:
several new bypasses in long term transportation plan
I-880 was originally assigned to what is now the I-80 bypass of Sacramento. ... In 1979, the Sacramento City Council, voted to delete the new I-80 alignment and use the funding and right-of-way for a rail transit system. No other city had done this before. In 1980, the new I-80 alignment was withdrawn from the Interstate system.
Route 65 - foothill freeway from north of Sacramento to Bakersfield, small segments built around Sacramento (private, pro road effort)
In July 2008, the $325 million Route 65 bypass in Lincoln broke ground. Scheduled for completion in 2013, the nearly 12-mile roadway will stretch from Industrial Boulevard west around the city of Lincoln and link back to Route 65 near Sheridan. ....
In October 2012, it was reported that the Lincoln Bypass Phase I project was completed and opened. The $325 million, 11-mile, Route 65 bypass, looping west of Lincoln in Placer County, gives commuters a quicker ride from Yuba City and Marysville to I-80, and clears up the congestion in downtown Lincoln.
The SAFETEA-LU act, enacted in August 2005 as the reauthorization of TEA-21, provided the following expenditures on or near this route:
High Priority Project #1408: Construction of an interchange located at the intersection of future Route 65 and Ferrari Ranch Road-Westwood in Placer County. $2,400,000. ....
In December 2012, the CTC reviewed a draft EIR regarding improvements on Route 65 and Route 245 in Tulare County to create the Tulare Expressway. The project will realign Route 65 and construct a two-lane expressway on a four-lane right of way for 9.3 miles from Hermosa Street in Lindsay to Avenue 300 on Route 245 northeast of Exeter. There would also be about 0.5 miles of improvements on Route 245 starting at Route 198. The project is not fully funded. The project is programmed in the 2012 State Transportation Improvement Program. The total estimated cost for capital and support is $102,711,000. Construction is estimated to begin in Fiscal Year 2018-19.
Bakersfield Beltway: 58, 99, 178
San Francisco
San Francisco canceled and removed highways
Embarcadero Freeway
... the construction of the Embarcadero Freeway sparked rebellion against other freeways planned for San Francisco, and the experience gained in San Francisco's freeway fights was shared to fight freways across the nation and around the globe.
Just in San Francisco, imagine the Panhandle of Golden Gate Park as nothing more than a lavishly landscaped sunken freeway. How about a freeway offshore of the Marina Green? Maybe a gash across the north end of North Beach for 8 lanes of freeway? Or a few block of the Inner Sunset gone for a freeway interchange? Stately homes along Tunnel Road and Ashby Avenue in Berkeley replaced by a freeway? Or a toll plaza on Angel Island for a SF - Tiburon bridge? - 1947 map of proposed network, photos, history
Route 85 bypass built in south San Jose, light rail included on part of route
Hayward Bypass (canceled)
CalTrans page on SR 238 Hayward Bypass Program
Hopland Bypass (in planning)
Willits Bypass (approved)
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) propose to construct a new segment of Route 101 that will bypass the City of Willits, in Mendocino County, California. The intention of the bypass is to relieve congestion, reduce delays, and improve safety for interregional traffic. The project limits begin about 0.8 miles south of Haehl Creek Overhead and end about 1.8 miles south of Reynolds Highway, a distance of approximately 5.9 miles.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
EUREKA – Caltrans announced today that the construction contract to build the first phase of the Willits Bypass has been awarded to the partnership of DeSilva Gates Construction and Flatiron West Inc., for the amount of $107 million. This project will relieve congestion, reduce delays, and improve safety for traffic and pedestrians along U.S. Route 101 through Willits in Mendocino County.
"Hundreds of Caltrans staff, many now retired, have worked tirelessly on this important project," said Charlie Fielder, Caltrans District 1 Director. "Awarding the construction contract is a huge milestone, and puts us not just a step closer to easing congestion and increasing safety through Willits, but also a step towards giving the city of Willits greater flexibility for the future development of its historic downtown."
This $210 million highway improvement project is funded by $136 million in Proposition 1B funds, the 2006 voter-approved transportation bond. In total, about $14 billion in Proposition 1B funds have been distributed statewide.
Lawsuit Challenges Caltrans' Four-lane Willits Bypass Freeway That Would Destroy Wetlands, Salmon, Rare Plants
May 1, 2012SAN FRANCISCO— The Center for Biological Diversity, Willits Environmental Center, Redwood Chapter of the Sierra Club and Environmental Protection Information Center (EPIC) filed a lawsuit in federal court today challenging the approvals and environmental review for the Willits Bypass, a proposed four-lane freeway around the community of Willits, in Mendocino County, Calif., that would hurt wetlands, salmon-bearing streams and endangered plants.
Judge allows Willits Bypass to proceed; environmental group vows further legal action
The Times-Standard
Posted: 11/02/2012 02:00:06 AM PDT
Updated: 11/02/2012 02:00:07 AM PDT
A federal judge Thursday refused to halt construction on the controversial Willits Bypass highway project, after environmental groups had requested a preliminary injunction in September.
The proposed four-lane freeway would reroute U.S. Highway 101 around the downtown Willits area, and has caused controversy with environmental groups who say the project would harm wetlands, salmon streams and endangered plants. The groups have a pending lawsuit challenging the permits and approvals of the project, but that won't be heard until December, a press release from the Environmental Protection Information Center in Arcata said.
The motion for a preliminary injunction was requested by the Center for Biological Diversity, Willits Environmental Center, Redwood Chapter of the Sierra Club and EPIC.
The court agreed there is a risk of environmental harm in allowing cutting of legacy oak trees and riparian vegetation to continue forward before the trial, but its ruling allows Caltrans to initiate the construction process, the release said.
"We will press forward with our lawsuit against this ill-conceived highway project," said Ellen Drell, of the Willits Environmental Center in the release. "We cannot allow Caltrans and the Army Corps of Engineers to use taxpayer money for such extensive damage to our environment just because one intersection in Willits backs up for a few hours a day."
"We are pleased with today's ruling denying the requested injunction," said Charlie Fielder, Caltrans District 1 Director, in a press release from his agency. "Our extensive mitigation plans not only preserve native species and improve the quality of the watershed in the Little Lake Valley, they will also greatly increase the overall quality of fisheries in these headwaters of the Eel River."
According to a previous statement issued by Caltrans, the proposed four-lane bypass project will relieve congestion, reduce delays, and improve safety for traffic currently passing through Willits, eliminating the only stoplights on Highway U.S. 101 between San Francisco and Eureka.
Richardson Grove - widening Highway 101 through old growth redwoods
part of Caltrans Route 101 Concept Plan published in 1994, a 4-lane highway from Sonoma-Mendo border to Oregon.
The highway departments are barely able to keep the existing highway open through the wet winter due to landslide prone geology, so expanding the highway is a distraction from maintaining the existing route.
Highway 197 / 199 upgrades
a very rural part of California with steep cliffs and old growth forest along parts of the road
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) has proposed improvements to Routes 197 and 199 in Del Norte County to allow larger, industry standard-sized trucks access to the North Coast from the east. These projects propose adjustments to Route 197 near Ruby Van Deventer County Park (Ruby 1 and Ruby 2) and on Route 199 near the Narrows, at Washington Curve, and in the Patrick Creek area. These projects will remove existing restrictions to Surface Transportation Assistance Act (STAA) trucks, now considered the industry standard.
Purpose and Need
The primary purpose of the proposed project is to improve seven spot locations on Routes 197 and 199 in Del Norte County so that two STAA trucks passing in opposite directions can be accommodated.
Eureka Bypass (planned but canceled, perhaps not forever)
Carmel bypass (built, lawsuit unsuccessful)
southern California:
Los Angeles - I-105 (built after intense opposition)
I-105 / I-110 interchange
Pasadenia I-710
new I-710 connection through south Pasadena - not completed (yet)
South Pasadena's Historic Opposition to a Surface Extension
No 710 Action Committee
I-710 widening planned from Long Beach
14 lane widening proposed, $6 billion or more
Orange County toll roads (part built, lawsuit unsuccessful)
southern terminus (Route 241) has yet to be built, here's an opposition effort
San Diego seems to have the widest highway in the world, where I-8 and I-805 converge.