Sunrise Highway
Clackamas County, Oregon

Clackamas County, near Portland - planned expressway between I-205 and US 26 through Damascus - Record of Decision signed 2011, construction started 2013
Mark Robinowitz comments on Sunrise Sprawlway Supplemental Draft EIS (2.6 megabyte PDF file)
ODOT plans to build a small part of the approved highway since the money for the full project does not exist. The yellow on the map below shows the approved project. The blue shows what ODOT plans to build, starting in 2013. The full project would cost over $1 billion. The smaller segment that ODOT will build first is about $100 million.
from Citizens for Sensible Transportation
(update: no longer has their website
on line) and (consultant website)
On Feb. 22, 2011, the Federal Highway Administration signed a Record of Decision (ROD) on the Sunrise Project. The Sunrise Project is an approximately five-mile, east-west oriented, limited-access highway from I-205 to the Rock Creek Junction in Clackamas County. ...
Also on July 29, 2009, Gov. Ted Kulongoski signed the Jobs and Transportation Act, which specifically provides $100 million to begin work on the Sunrise Project. An additional $30 million in state and federal funds are also available for the project. The combination of these funds will provide the opportunity for initial elements of the project to be built in the next several years. The full project is estimated at just over $1 billion.
What are the plans for the Sunrise Project?
Sunrise Project Description - The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) and Clackamas County propose to build a new, east-west oriented, limited-access highway between I-205 and the Rock Creek Junction. The purpose of the proposed Sunrise Project is to effectively address the existing congestion and safety problems in the OR 212/224 corridor between its interchange with I-205 and Rock Creek Junction, and to serve the growing demand for regional travel and access to the state highway system.
Project Status - Based on public input and early technical information, project committees narrowed the range of alternatives for the Sunrise Project in 2006. Two "build" alternatives and one "no build" (or "do nothing") alternative were selected for thorough study in a Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). That work has been completed and the findings are documented in a Supplement Draft Environmental Impact Statement document (SDEIS) released October 13, 2008. The SDEIS and supporting technical documents will be available for review on the project website as well as at Damascus City Hall, 19920 SE Hwy 212, Damascus OR 97089.Sunrise Parkway - The exact route, character, and function of a "second phase" of the Sunrise Corridor, known as the Sunrise Parkway, has not yet been determined. An environmental impact statement (EIS) has not been funded; recent communication from ODOT and Clackamas County now contemplates a two to four-lane limited access scenic parkway south of the Highway 212 corridor that would connect with Highway 212 near 172nd Avenue on the west and east of 242nd Avenue outside the Damascus city limits on the east. An in-depth study must be completed before the final route and design are determined.